Sunday, August 5, 2007

Iron Chef Dog Food and Barking Our Fool Heads Off!

Our papa is forced to come up with something to put on our kibble every night. We wont eat it plain and we're too skinny as it is. We know he's gonna put the hammer down one day, but we're enjoying it while it lasts. We wont eat the same thing twice in a row, or even twice within 2 days so he has to get pretty creative with whatever is lying around. Tonight he made cranberry-pecan barbeque rice. It was a hit! Princess pretended she wasn't going to eat it, but as soon as she started she couldn't stop! We all licked our bowls clean!


Something weird was happening in the 'hood. Lots of odd noises, lots of dogs barking in the distance. We joined in, of course. 'We' not referring to Tank. He pretty rarely barks. There's little to see here, so just close your eyes and let the music penetrate your souls.


Dandy Duke said...

You got our attention! I'm not sure which one of you started the barking but we're all barking here!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

I love Iron Chef! I am trying to get them to put me on as a judge but no luck so far.


ps. I think you need to milk the Parvo thing some more--surely it will stunt your growth if you don't get filet mignon and ice cream, though it sounds like your ChefDad is doing pretty well.

Ruby Bleu said...

OK, how do I get my Mom to cook for me for dinner (she's pretty good in the snack department) let alone something different everynight? Please tell me the ways of your world oh wise Newfs...

Lots of Licks, Ruby
P(ee)S: I LOVED Tank's entry in Nook's clever, my Mom thought that was the bestest!!!

Stanley said...


My girl couldn't even finish listening to your video cuz I joined right in with you!

I'm with everyone else here. How did you train your dad so well? Sounds like you eat as well or better than he does. Must be nice...

Goober love,

The Brat Pack said...

Way to go on training your papa. Great video, we all started barking too.

Ferndoggle said...

You have your Dad very well trained...just like us. We make Mom give us something new & delicious every night and it must be mostly MEAT!!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Nessa Happens said...

I went to check our perimeter when I heard you bark, but Pooka was taking a nap and he freaked out and woke himself up by barking back to you!

Unknown said...

Nice to hear the protective bark of a dog.