Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mr. Isaac Says Hi!

Hey Dawgs! Isaac here! I'm the father of Princess and Tank and very proud of my kids! As the older generation I mostly leave the internet stuff to them. They're both bigger than I am. That was no fun when Tank went through his pushy stage. He was sure a bully. Good thing I'm not the alpha type. I was born Jan 2, 2004 in Tenessee. I've had a pretty hard life for a newf. My second owner in New Orleans sold me when their life got hard. My third owner's home was destroyed in Hurricaine Katrina. I was taken in by an elderly woman but I was so feisty she had to keep me in a crate all day. Of course that made me even more feisty whenever I got out. All I really want to do is play and love, just like any newf. Let me tell you, dawgs, I was one unhappy, confused newf! So this human gal who met me before Katrina had this loverly Landseer named Georgia. Whew she was a hottie! My third owners drove me to Kansas City to meet Georgia and we hit it off right away. I played in my first ever snow in Kansas City! At first I couldn't even figure out how to walk in it. Then I stuck my nose in the snow and ran, feeling the spray in my face! Weeeeheeee!

This is Georgia. We had the BEST time together!

First some playing around...

Then some *real* playing around...

And 2 months later, look at the belly on that babe! In there are Tank, taking up most of the room, Princess, and 4 other baby newfs! They were so cute!

That's when I came to live with my current dad and he's had me for over a year. The gal who bred me brought Georgia and Bertram, the puppies' Godfather, to her nursing home as therapy dogs. Four of the puppies went to her friends who worked at other nursing homes and they're all therapy dogs. The residents always ask for them and it's the highlight of their day to see the dogs. They hide cheetos and the dogs find them. For cheetos, I'd go anywhere! A couple of times, when Tank was mean to me and I started to play less my dad wondered if I would be better off in a house with no other dog. He just barely got the thought in his head but I knew what he was thinking and I went over and laid my head on his lap and looked up with my mournful eyes and he said I didn't have to leave unless I wanted to. That made me so happy!!

I'm such a great dad, I *loved* playing with the puppies!


Dandy Duke said...

What a wonderful story and what a handsome father you are!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Issac...
Wow...what a life you've had! And what a great daddy you are. Must be nice to have Tank and Princess around too...well sometimes.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I've gone ahead and added you to my bloggy friends. I hope that is ok!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...


It's easy to see why Princess and Tank are so GORGEOUS! You're not that old yourself, but seem like a wise buddha sage. Loved hearing from you, buddy.

Hey. What part of the KC area are you guys from?

Goober love,