Monday, July 16, 2007

Princess Meets Stan and Hercules at a Dog Park with Water! - Glitter Graphics

Hi Everybody! Wow I had a fun day yesterday! But boy was I mad at my dad! He was a dork and a half. I was so mad I wouldn't even take treats from him the rest of the day. But this morning I gave him lots of licks to let him know he was forgiven and could still type for me.

Yesterday I went on my first playdate EVER! I met two GREAT Airedales named Stanley and Hercules. Stan was the bigger one - bigger than Hercules! His mom says he's not an OranguDale but close. My dad was an hour late getting me there, but the Aire-moms were really gracious about it. Dad says that if I didn't keep him up the whole night before barking, maybe he could have moved faster. But did he want our house invaded? I think not. After saving the house from the maurauding squirrels and geese I deserved better but he made a completely lame breakfast. I wouldn't eat any of it. He made a chicken tortilla soup to pour over our Timberwolf Elk. I picked out a few pieces of chicken but that was it. I have to say, though, he redeemed himself last night with a beef and cheese risotta over Chicken Soup Large Breed Puppy. That was yummy!
But getting back to the playdate - when we finally got there the two Aire-boys were waiting for us with their moms. They were so gracious. Stanley checked me out to see if I was tuff enough but my dad yelled at me before I could show him. Sheesh, dad. You're embarrasing me! It wasn't the last time...

So Stan, Hercules and I were running around, when suddenly - Suddenly - I saw it. The sea ! All else was forgotten as I made my mad dash for the water. Now I ask you - especially you fellow newfs - Wasn't that totally expected? Well it freaked my dad out. Just my being off leash freaks my dad out a little. But when I ran off totally mad like that he regressed to the level of a goldfish. He couldn't leave me alone.

Once in the water I was Queen of the Sea! Other dogs asked me how I could be so amazing in the water and we played with a lot of different pups. To really appreciate the pictures, click on them to make them bigger.

Had too much to drink, there, Stan? He Stole my ring!

I tried to break up a fight between 2 little dogs and my dad was afraid I'd get blamed for starting it so he yelled at me for that. Then he wanted me to bring the ring right to him. Sure I indulge him in that when we're alone, but here it was my own crowd! How could he embarass me like that. I kept bringing the ring to the shallow area but he wouldn't jump the 2 feet into the water like a good servant should.

Stan was such a gentleman, he came in and got it a few times for my dad to throw.

That Stan was so funny! He'd sit in front of my dad waiting for him to throw the ring and if dad didn't do it fast enough Stan would jump up right into dad's face! what a riot! Way to go, Stan! I get impatient with my papa, too and that was true vindication!

My dad liked Stan and Hercules and their moms a lot, too. Dad and I have never met an Airedale and we thought they were charming. Their moms are charming, too.

So could dad have been smart and shmoozed with the ladies? Could he leave me alone to look cool in front of the other dogs? Nooooo. He was so preoccupied with embarassing me he could barely talk. None of us have been in a dog park since that big bulldog attacked Tank and I think my dad had a little PTSD going on, so after a day I decided to cut him a little slack.

I have to live as the only member of the civilized gender with three males. Let me tell you my dad could use some civilizing, too. I learned I was a girl early on and the best way to keep the males in line was to bite them in their boy bits (Copyright Nanook). Isaac would do the funniest dance when I did that! But 'cause my dad's a boy he made me stop doing that. The guys know I still can of course...

So eventually I got out of the water and Stan, Hercules and I started to mix it up.

This time dad didn't stop me 'cause no one snarled and I knocked Stan down butt good! (Dad's note:) NO, DAAAD, Don't tell THAT story! Pleeeease! Oh, all right. (dad's note: when Princess was a mere 70 lbs she decided that Isaac needed to play with her. She backed off, got up a galloping headstart and jumped and headbutted Isaac right in the side. She bounced off and layed there, staring up at her dad. With perfect timing he held still for 3 counts, then turned and gave her the disdainful look a locomotive might give a tennis ball after a similar collision. Probably the funniest thing Isaac has ever done) OK, OK, back to the playdate. So I have had practice and we had a great time jumping all over each other. It was the funnest day of my life! On the way home, this is what happened:

Thanks Stan, Hercules, and our parents for taking us there. I hope we get to do it again soon! Ladies, I hope you can forgive my dad for his deer in the headlights imitation and give him another chance. Till Next Time,


Stanley said...


Hercules and I had a blast with you at the park! We couldn't get enough of watching you hold court out there in the water.

Don't worry about your dad. Even though all hoomans can tend to be a little doofus-like sometimes, our moms didn't notice a thing.

Can't wait for our next playdate, girl!

Your goober bud,

Duke said...

What an awesome day you had! I sure wish that I could have joined you but I have to tell you - I wouldn't have gone in the water - nope, no way!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

Princess, you met my Stanny? He's a sweet boy and it looked like you had fun, but just remember he's MY Stanny ok? Oh and Suki's Stanny and Asta's Stanny. I guess we could share if you liked him that way...but I'll need to consult with the other girls first!

You totally looked like you had a blast!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

wally said...

Oh man that looks like FUN. And you know STANLEY IN THE REAL WORLD?? I'm so jealous. I am Woober to his Goober.

That water looks nice.


Lizzy said...

Wow, what fun you all had! That's so cool that you got to meet Stan and Hercules.


Ume said...

wow! what a great day-out!!!
u can schwim so well, Princess!

Nessa Happens said...

Ooooh I'm so jealous so jealous so jealous!!!

Koobuss said...


Boy did you have fun with your friends in the water! Sometimes parents can spoil everything, though. They just are no fun at all. I didn't know that you knew Stanley. Boy, he gets around. Seems he is everywhere!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I wish I had my own ocean. I keep saying that but my family won't get me one. Even a bucket of salt water would be okay.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,