Inspired by http://www.meetthespartans.com/
We're 3 high energy, high prey drive newfs having a wild time in Sutherlin, OR. We love to swim, chase toys our dad throws and fight over who gets to bring them back. We're also easy to be around inside, sitting at dad's feet when he's busy or just chilling out on the tile. Everwhere we go people adore us 'cause we're so cute and well behaved. We love getting petted!
Then there was the time when I was maybe 6 or 8 months old. Back then we pups would sleep on the tile 'cause it was cool. But there was no tile next to dad and I, being desperately in love with my papa, wanted to cuddle next to him. So one morning I sit right by his head, watching him up on his bed. I wanted to jump up, but I didn't dare. When papa saw me he told me to come up in a sweet voice and patted the bed but I was too afraid. So I trot off to get Tank. I tell him all my woes and we both walk into dad's room. Tank looks up at dad and quails a bit. Isaac told us that trying to sleep on the people's bed got him a bad punishment at his 3rd home in New Orleans. Tank stayed brave and when dad saw him he says, come on up, Tank! And Tank hops up! Tank walks up to dad's face and dad tells him what a good boy he is! Dad gives Tank a great petting! So I hesitantly jump up near dad's feet and I get a "good girl"! Now I walk towards dad's head and he pets me, too. Tank turns to leave but before he goes I turn back, he turns towards me and we slap tongues. Dad says it looked like we gave each other a high 5 with our tongues! So Tank jumps off into the sunrise and I get to cuddle with my papa! I'm so happy and so grateful to Tank for paving the way!
Sometimes Tank and I joust. We separate and run at each other full tilt, leaping and crashing together with an earth shattering impact. Usually he lets me win. When he doesn't I bounce pretty far.
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