Well, everypup, we had a long journey! We were cooped up in the car for 4 straight days! On the third day, during a break, Dad took us past a giant elk. Isaac and Princess just stared at it, but Tank kept barking. The Elk never moved. Dad told us later it was a statue. Most nights we stayed at a hotel. Isaac escaped every night we were on the road, but he always came back. On the third night we got a special treat! We stayed at a home where there were 2 other newfs! We outnumbered the people 5 to 3! The introductions went well except that miss goody two shoes Princess got a little growly with their girl Abbey. Dad put a stop to that real quick! Eventually they got to be good friends.
First they noticed they had the same paw
Then Princess started telling Abbey jokes
Which Abbey liked...
After that we all got to be friends.Why don't you just relax, Zeke?
Treat time! Their Mom and Dad have a treat time every night!
Not like our stingy ol dad.
Hey, wait, Tank, where ya going?
Sorry, Zeke and Abbey, but we've got to be riding off into the sunset.