Monday, July 30, 2007

We love our Papa!


Papa went to the farmers market a few days ago and didn't take any of us. :( He said the market didn't alow dogs and it was too hot to leave us in the car - we'd roast! Now vegetables don't get us excited. We eat a few fruits, but Tank wont touch Wallymelon and the others could take or leave it. So if it's not a social event, farmers markets should leave us pretty unexcited. So we thought. But Woa, Doggies! Our dad brought home something that made us forgive every lame meal he's ever made! It seems there's some organic style cow growers there. And one of them is starting to care about us doggies! So what does he do? He grinds up beef hearts and sells them for $1/lb! That's about 1.61 Euro/kg, 2.58 AUD/kg (or do you guys use something else), 3.18 SingaporeDollars/kg, and for the latest blogitor, 15.74 South African Rands/kg. Pretty good deal no matter how you grind it! Well, let me tell you we were all underfoot in the kitchen when that bad beefcake was cooking! When it finally found its way to the floor we were on it! That was one great dinner. Rumor is we're getting the other half pound tonight! Can't wait! We're sleeping up a storm in preparation!


Lizzy said...

Veggies are the BEST! I love them! Oh, and I like that last picture. Hehe.


Finnegan said...

Hmmmm, that sounds pretty good although I enjoy fruits and vegetables too. And a good deal too!


Koobuss said...

Beef hearts? Does that come from a cow or is that like lettuce hearts? You can't beat the price though.

Nice pictures, guys.

Speaking of pictures, I tried to post mine on your new map, but for some reason it didn't show up. Sorry guys. But I did sign it and say "Hello".

Koobuss Kisses,

wally said...

Ooooh--I had heartables for dinner last night too!

But you guys don't like wallymelon? Sheesh! You need to work on refining your palate.

I have a very refined palate. It thinks everything is fine.


The Silver Age Sara said...

Yum, beef hearts. You lucky newfies. They are scrumptious! Thanks for sharing the Timberwolf recipe. I'm making sure my Mom uses it. Love, love, love their kibble.
P.S. - We have an 8 month old newf in our house too. Drool Rules!

Duke said...

I love my veges and fruits! We have a garden and if mom doesn't share a tomatoe and a cuc with us every day we get nasty!

Love ya lots,

fee said...

o how soundly the enormous babies sleep! i love that video!
